
The QWMN’s overall strategic direction, operation, and delivery is managed and coordinated by the Queensland Government. The QWMN Core Group provides oversight of the Network’s overall strategic direction. The QWMN Steering Panel has responsibility for overseeing and integrating QWMN’s information and products, and for guiding its future direction. The Steering Panel comprises representatives from the Department of Environment and Science, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Queensland Reconstruction Authority and independent consultants. Technical working groups design and oversee the priority tasks identified within each of the network’s priority themes.

Consortium members

In addition, a consortium of members, led by the International WaterCentre at Griffith University, is delivering a program of work that complements QWMN activities and investments to facilitate greater collaboration among water modellers, users and decision makers across Queensland, creating a community of water modelling excellence.

QWMN members and affiliates

The QWMN and QWMN events and activities are open to industry, research, government and anyone interested in water modelling.


QG logo

Queensland Government

Founding member

International WaterCentre at Griffith University

Founding and lead member

Griffith University logo

Griffith University

Founding member

UQ logo

The University of Queensland

Consortium member

USQ logo

University of Southern Queensland

Consortium member

QUT logo

Queenlsand University of Technology

Consortium member

AIMS logo

Australian Institute of Marine Science

Consortium member

QCIF logo

Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation

Consortium member

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