Established in 2017, the Queensland Water Modelling Network run a number of impact programs through the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, supported by the International WaterCentre at Griffith University.

RD&I with QWMN at the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI)

DESI are building the State’s capacity to model its surface water and groundwater resources and their quality. The QWMN provides the tools, information and collaborative platforms to support best-practice use of water models, and the uptake of their results by policy makers and natural resource managers. The QWMN delivers this through its research, development and innovation program; as well as focusing effort on building the capability of Queensland’s water modelling sector.

Since its establishment in 2017, the QWMN has completed numerous collaborative projects, from a critical review of climate change and water models through to improving integration between agricultural and water catchment models.

Find out more about the projects and project publications.

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