
The Queensland Water Modelling Network (QWMN) is improving the state’s capacity to model its surface water and groundwater resources and their quality. The QWMN provides the tools, information and collaborative platforms to support best-practice use of water models, and the uptake of their results by policy makers and natural resource managers. It aims to:


Strategic challenges

The first Queensland Water Modelling (QWMN) Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Strategy 2018-2020 identified priority research topics, regions and models. It delivered significant impact ranging from foundational reviews of climate change and wetland hydrology water models, to the effect of rising water temperatures on fish survival and streambank modelling. It also leveraged considerable co-investment from government, industry and research organisations.

The 2021-2024 RDI Strategy focuses on research topics and regions as the critical lenses to concentrate effort and investment. Unlike the 2018-2020 RDI Strategy, it does not identify priority models, recognising that the choice of modelling platforms will be best decided by considering criteria such as the geographical location and research topic.

The QWMN has identified four key strategic challenges for water modelling in Queensland in 2021-2024. These are:

  1. Climate change and Variability (e.g. improving modelling capability to handle longer simulation periods)
  2. Landscape Rehabilitation and Resilience (e.g. nutrient offset assessment methodology and tools)
  3. Building Trust and Confidence (e.g. guidance material and fostering collaboration)
  4. Model Improvement and Integration (e.g. targeted projects to integrate specific scientific knowledge & modelling tools for purposes)



Since the QWMN’s establishment in 2017, it has initiated more than 45 collaborative projects from four rounds of research development and innovation rounds and ranging from a catalogue of the major water models used by the Queensland Government through improved integration between agricultural and catchment models, to a review of the treatment of climate change in the state’s water models.

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