Critical review of climate change and water modelling in Queensland

Climate change and what it means for water modelling applications to inform decision making in Queensland is a topic of significant and growing interest.

The QWMN has identified climate change and variability as one of its four research, development and innovation priorities for 2018-2020.

Two Community of Practice events run by the QWMN in 2019 proved to be very popular (see Accommodating Climate Change Forum here and Climate Change Data for water modelling and decision making here) and 2020 will see a continued focus on the implications of climate change and climate variability by the QWMN.

The QWMN funded ‘Critical review of climate change and water modelling in Queensland’ project was completed in late 2019 and provides sought after recommendations for improving the consistency and robustness of climate change assessment in water models in Queensland. Bringing together an experienced team of hydrologists, hydro climate scientists, water quality scientists and practitioners, Alluvium Consulting Australia delivered the project in partnership with the CSIRO and University of Newcastle. The project report is now available to download.

The project assessed Queensland’s current ability to incorporate climate variability and climate change projections into water models. Using the best available science, the project outputs provide a clear pathway to consistent, robust modelling approaches for assessing climate change in Queensland water models.

The outcomes of a workshop, an interview process with key modelling, planning and policy groups and four modelling case studies provided multiple lines of evidence to underpin the Strategic Investment Portfolio. The Strategic Investment Portfolio includes 26 recommendations aligning with a primary objective to increase Queensland’s ability to understand the impact of climate variability and change on water-related systems, to increase economic, social and ecological resilience.

The recommendations of the project are linked to five key outcomes which will contribute to achieving a pathway to consistent, robust modelling approaches for assessing climate change and climate variability in Queensland water models:

  • Outcome 1: Increase consistency and defensibility of approaches for assessing risks from climate variability and change.
  • Outcome 2: Interpret and summarise the applicability of existing climate science and datasets for Queensland.
  • Outcome 3: Address climate science and water modelling gaps through targeted research initiatives.
  • Outcome 4: Empower individuals and collectives, and facilitate collaboration.
  • Outcome 5: Develop training, communication and guidance materials to support Outcomes 1–4.

More information and the recommendations on future actions can be found in the project report.

Provide your feedback

You have the opportunity to have your say about improving the assessment of climate change in Queensland water modelling and to help us understand how we might develop partnerships to progress action in this important area.

To have your say, click here to complete a short survey. Comments received by 28 February 2020 will be collated and considered as part of the QWMN forward program.

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