Online Event Report: Modelling and communicating the impacts of climate change

The Queensland Water Modelling Network (QWMN) 3CP team gathered online on 12 August with more than 60 concerned professionals from around Australia, to discuss key issues in dealing with climate intensification for water modelling, in Queensland and beyond. Coinciding with the release of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 6th Assessment Report on 9 August, and occurring among lock downs Australia-wide, we were afforded a timely opportunity to bring minds from regions beyond our local range together for a dynamic and engaging discussion.

One priority focus of the QWMN is water planning, integration and management. For professionals working in this area, across communication, science/research, data collection/monitoring, modelling and decision making, there is no shortage of challenges as we collectively consider the impact various climate change scenarios have on future water planning and management practice.

At this online community of practice workshop, we explored ideas on developing effective communication strategies for our climate story and how to better manage the ramifications of a shifting climate and adjust modelling tools appropriately.

Core to the event were presentations on developing effective responses to water management and water infrastructure development needs in a changing climate. Our guest speakers were:

Due to time constraints, Q&A was held in the chat thread in Zoom. Questions, comments and responses have been recorded and can be found HERE

This 1.5 hour workshop was a timely opportunity to connect with a diverse mix of practitioners involved in this area from State and Local Governments, NRM groups, utilities, research and consultants. With the limitations of the online world, small group discussions were held in breakout rooms on the important climate challenges, individuals are facing. An array of responses and how they roughly fit on our pipeline is shown in the image above, and in detail by clicking HERE

Even in the face of lock downs, the network expands and the deepening connection continues.

Stay safe and keep well in these challenging times folks. From all the QWMN engagement team at IWC: Piet Filet, Sarah Cochrane and Brian McIntosh.

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