Event Summary: Overview of water quality modelling projects from the Queensland Water Modelling Network with Callym Dunleavy
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The QWMN’s whole of sector community of practice and other network activities have started a new focus on strengthening the system of knowledge production and use that forms the inter-relationships between science, monitoring, modelling and decision making. We call these systems ‘water modelling pipelines’ to capture the idea of modelling being an activity that is a part of a broader flow of knowledge both directed by the needs of decision making along with the direction that can be given by science.
There are three pipelines that will be focused on, the first two corresponding to broader strategic RD&I priorities for the QWMN:
The aim is to hold a range of Community of Practice events and other activities focused on each pipeline with the objective of identifying where the gaps, needs, strengths and opportunities to strengthen each pipeline lie, as well as learning about issues and practices of interest to a broad spectrum of professionals who operate within those pipelines.
The first pipeline focused event was held on Wednesday 19th May with a focus on ‘Landscape restoration and redesign’, and in particular on improving the utility of information that can support planning and prioritisation of actions to restore catchment landscapes.
A total of 30 professionals and 3 students participated in the event which mapped out some of the expertise and people in the Landscape restoration and redesign pipeline as well as facilitate learning about the particular topic – prioritisation of investment in landscape restoration measures.
The participants had a the rare pleasure of hearing from speakers covering the full pipeline from science / research (Prof David Hamilton, Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University), modelling technology (Dr Nick Marsh, Truii, Brisbane) and decision-making (Suzi Christensen, ex—FBA, now Healthy Land and Water). More detailed event reporting will follow. For now please, you are welcome to download the speaker presentations through the links given.