QWMN Forum 2020 – pulse check of the sector

Who would have thought that a concept of a water modelling pipeline might galvanise and connect the experiences of 137 participants at this year’s 2020 QWMN Forum? Well it did and as a network of professionals working at various points along that pipeline, the concept proved to be one way in which we as sector can better see and engage with what each other does and how our collective effort can be improved.

The 137 participants came from 4 Local Governments, 5 State and Federal agencies, 2  Regional NRMN groups, 3 Water Utilities, 13 Private Sector companies and 8 Research and Education institutions.

Activities over the 2 days included:

  • A welcome speech from Queensland’s Chief Scientist, Prof Paul Bertsch
  • Seven plenary speakers
  • One panel session on the importance of communication
  • Twenty two breakout presentations
  • Three demonstration workshops
  • One futures issues workshop with eight small group discussions
  • A dinner with 70 participants
  • Two workshops to better map the water modelling pipeline and future QWMN activity
  • One collaboration wall to record additional participant views

The final workshop of the Forum was used to take a pulse check of the Queensland water modelling and use sector. You can download and read it here. And you can download the Forum presentations from here.

The information within the Pulse Check is being used by the QWMN to set strategic directions and inform activity planning. What can you see in the pulse check for your organisation? How will you respond?

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