QWMN Forum 2020 to explore water modelling pipeline

In Queensland and throughout the world, water models provide decision makers with the vital evidence they need for policy, planning and resource management. The provision of these water models is underpinned by an ecosystem of professionals and organisations who work across a knowledge and technology supply chain – a water modelling pipeline – from research, to model use, to interpretation and communication.

The design of the QWMN Forum 2020 – the flagship engagement event for the Queensland Water Modelling Network, is now well underway. The focus of the forum will be on exploring this water modelling pipeline.

The Forum will investigate the operation of the water modelling pipeline, linking science, data, modelling, decision making and communication in the context of water security, urban design and liveability, and landscape restoration. Specifically, the forum will ask:

  • do the pipelines in these areas work well?
  • what can we learn from looking across the pipelines of other areas?
  • how can we improve the operation of pipelines in different application areas?

“This pipeline connects the needs of water models from ongoing science and research developments and inputs from data and monitoring activity,” says the International WaterCentre’s Dr Piet Filet, who is leading the design of the Forum.

“Translating the water modelling outputs into information and options for decision makers highlights how good communication underpins the users’ needs for understanding and using the information. Indeed, the communication and crosslinks in multiple directions along the pipeline is vital to ensuring this a fully connected system of effort.”

Dr Filet adds, “As professionals in the water modelling and use sector, we all have a role along that pipeline and in many cases, we are connecting, communicating and linking across multiple elements.”

The QWMN Forum 2020 builds on the success of 2017 and 2018 forums, and draws from more than 18 months of QWMN networking and community of practice events. The Forum brings together a broad cross-section of the Queensland water modelling and use sector, including those working in research, higher education, state and local government, water suppliers and utilities, data and model technology companies and consulting firms.

The two-day event will feature plenary sessions, breakout sessions and interactive workshops. There’s also a now a networking dinner on the first night of the conference. Speakers from Alluvium Consulting, CSIRO, HydroNumerics, the Department of Environment and Science and various universities have already been confirmed, with more added to the line-up daily.

Tickets for the event are on sale now.

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